Modifying Child Custody Orders in Oklahoma: When and How to Do It

Modifying Child Custody Orders in Oklahoma: When and How to Do It

If you share a child with another person but are no longer in a committed relationship with that individual, then it is likely that you have child custody orders for how your child will be cared for and who has custody of them. Child custody orders are legally binding agreements between parents. It is imperative that each party abides by the terms of their established child custody orders.

Life changes, though, and as a result, there are times when child custody orders must also be adjusted. Knowing what reasons warrant a modification in a child custody order and how to go about obtaining the change can be helpful when you believe that your current child custody order is no longer feasible for your situation.

If you have questions about child custody orders in Oklahoma, you are welcome to speak with an Oklahoma family law lawyer at the Putnam Law Office.

Changing Oklahoma Child Custody Orders

Modifying Child Custody Orders in Oklahoma: When and How to Do It If you have undergone or experienced a significant change in your life’s circumstances since your initial child custody order was issued, then you may need to have it adjusted. There are several types of situations where it makes sense to modify a child custody order in Oklahoma, including:

  • You are moving far away.
  • You are suffering from a serious health condition.
  • You have been incarcerated.
  • You have evidence that your child’s other parent is a danger to their wellbeing.
  • You can show that the other parent continues to fail to comply with the custody order that has been in place.
  • The child’s age makes a modification necessary.

An important first step in modifying a child custody order in Oklahoma is to determine the reason for the change in the arrangement. When you have that, then you must gather evidence to support your position. If you are moving, for example, you can use your new lease agreement. If you have become ill, you can provide medical records and doctor’s notes along with your treatment plan.

After you have compiled your evidence, then you will be ready to file a motion with the court to modify your custody order. In the motion to the court, you can explain why you need the modification and provide your supporting documentation and evidence. The other parent will be served with your motion and documentation. They will have the opportunity to respond.

Usually, mediation will be a step that comes before going to court. Here, it can be possible for both parents to cooperate with each other and come together to resolve a custody dispute.

If an agreement outside of court cannot be made, then a hearing date will be set for you and the other parent of your child to attend. You both can present your cases. The court will listen to each side and then decide if a modification is approved or not. If it is, a new order will be issued.

Speak to an Attorney at the Putnam Law Office Today

It may be necessary to modify your custody order due to a change in your life’s circumstances. For assistance with this, please call an Oklahoma City family law attorney at the Putnam Law Office to schedule a free consultation at (405) 849-9149.

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