Understanding Oklahoma’s Child Custody Laws: What Parents Need to Know

Understanding Oklahoma’s Child Custody Laws: What Parents Need to Know

When two people have children but no longer have a relationship with each other, then determining child custody is essential. Oklahoma marriage and family laws say that custody is a legal responsibility for a parent or guardian to provide care for and control over minor children. This can be done through legal custody where the right exists to make decisions for a child such as where they go to school or what type of religion they will practice. Or it can be done through physical custody where a child predominantly lives in a particular home.

Determining child custody can be one of the most controversial and emotional issues to tackle. Wanting to remain in a child’s life and have a say in their upbringing are intrinsic desires for most parents. But, as long as a child’s welfare is not in jeopardy by one parent, cooperation and compromise are necessary. 

Custody can be given to only one parent or both. In some situations, an individual who is not a parent can file for custody and be awarded the role of caring for and raising a child. When this happens, for a judge to take away rights from parents, the case would need to be made that the parents are unfit.

Due to the delicate nature of child custody, working with an attorney can be advantageous. An Oklahoma family law attorney at the Putnam Law Office can help you get the best results when it comes to the well-being and safekeeping of your child.

Child Custody In Oklahoma

Understanding Oklahoma's Child Custody Laws: What Parents Need to KnowOklahoma’s child custody policies take the position that a child should have as much interaction and contact as possible with each of their parents. Despite this, a judge may review a particular situation and determine that one parent should have sole custody of a child. This parent, known as the custodial parent, would have care and physical custody of a child for more than 182 days of the year.

Where joint custody is awarded, then both parents will play an active role in care and physical custody. Joint custody will require a plan to be put in place where each parent understands their rights and obligations. The plan will also address how to deal with disputes. Joint custody is not always permanent and can be denied.

A judge will review the entirety of a family’s case to determine which custody arrangement is best for the child. For example, if there is evidence that one parent is a danger to the child, such as would be the case if one parent committed domestic abuse, then that parent’s rights to their child will likely be restricted. Here, potentially only supervised visitation will be allowed.

Emergency situations can call for an emergency custody hearing. When it can be shown that a child is in immediate danger, a judge may grant one parent custody temporarily, change an existing custody order, or terminate the other parent’s rights to visitation completely.

Speak to an Attorney at the Putnam Law Office Today

Please call an Oklahoma City family law attorney at the Putnam Law Office at (405) 849-9149 today to schedule a free consultation to learn more about how to resolve your child custody issues.

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