Can I See My Child’s Records as a Noncustodial Parent?
Life can be stressful when you need to see an important medical or school record of your child but are not sure if you can. As a noncustodial parent, you already know you have certain limitations related to visiting and raising your children. However, figuring out where those limitations start and end can be confusing at times. Feel free to talk to an Oklahoma City divorce attorney to find out what you need to know.
Noncustodial Versus Custodial Parental Rights
There are two main types of child custody, sole custody and joint custody. Parents with sole custody are called custodial parents while the parent without custody is the noncustodial parent. Joint custody means both parents share custody over the child. In other words, both parents can take turns raising the child and have certain parental rights that noncustodial parents do not have.
Within these two types of child custody, there are two subcategories of custody that impact parental rights. These are called physical custody and legal custody. Physical custody rights allow custodial parents to raise the child in their home. Legal custody lets custodial parents make legal decisions for their children.
Many people think that not having legal custody of their child means they cannot access their child’s records. This means school and medical records in most cases. The reality is that noncustodial parents can also see their child’s school records even without permission from the custodial parent.
One exception to this rule is if the court has made an explicit order for the noncustodial parent not to have access to the child’s records. Legal guardians also have access to school records with the same exception rule. Consider contacting an Oklahoma City divorce lawyer if your ex-spouse is wrongfully keeping records from you.
Can I See My Child’s Records?
When it comes to what Oklahoma parental rights laws say, both custodial and noncustodial parents should have access to their child’s records. This only applies to minor children under the age of legal consent. Adult children may have the right to refuse the release of their records to either parent.
Parents might be denied access to child records when the family court decides to restrict a parent. This is usually done according to the best interests of the child standard. Situations in which the parent’s access to the child’s records could harm the child is one example of when this rule would apply.
Ultimately, the family court judge will decide when to restrict parents and when to lift restrictions. A lawyer might be able to help you modify court orders depending on the situation.
Divorce Attorney in Oklahoma City
Being restricted by child custody can be frustrating when you have your child’s best interests in mind. Talk to an Oklahoma family lawyer to see what you can do to modify your custody order. All you have to do is contact the Putnam Law Office today at (405)-849-9149 for a consultation. We can help you figure out what your parental rights are and ways to modify them. Mr. Putnam is an experienced lawyer in Oklahoma City, OK who can defend your parental rights.