Best Recommendations for Fathers Going Through Divorce

Best Recommendations for Fathers Going Through Divorce

If you are a man going through a divorce in Oklahoma and you also have children, it is likely that as a loving father, you want the most time you can with a child custody order. However, everything you do matters when it comes to determining child custody, and even if you are acting in a way that you think is helpful for your family as a whole and for co-parenting, you could actually be undermining your case for a time with your children when you go through the divorce process.

It is imperative that parents who are divorcing have a lawyer on their side that can help them obtain the most favorable outcome for their circumstances. When children are involved an attorney can not only support one parent’s case for custody, but a legal professional can also advise the parent on what to do and what not to do to make their case strong.

In Oklahoma, the Oklahoma City family law attorneys at the Putnam Law Office will work tirelessly to protect your rights and interests.

Preserving Your Time With Your Children

Best Recommendations for Fathers Going Through DivorceIt is often thought that the mother always gets the best child custody order, and the father has to settle for whatever he can get. This is not always the case. In Oklahoma, the judge is always going to consider both the mother and the father and, ultimately, what custody situation is the best for the children. The consequences of divorce to the children are taken very seriously by Oklahoma courts, and so a judge is always going to focus on what is the most ideal and beneficial situation for the children.

It is usually the goal of the court to keep both parents involved in their children’s lives as much as possible. This is unless one parent is a potential danger to children. Having an alcohol or drug problem is one example of where child custody may strongly favor one parent versus the other.

Fathers should not be too willing to give up their time with their children while separated and going through a divorce. Even if living apart from each other, both the mother and the father have the right to spend their own time with their children. These tips can help fathers who are separated from their spouses protect their ability to secure a fair child custody order.

  • Newly separated couples may not have a plan in place for who gets the kids and when. Fathers should not just allow mothers to always have children and make the rules. Fathers should make it a point to have their time with their children a priority. Fathers who are denied their rights to see their children and who are not proactive in trying to have time with them may look like uncaring parents that do not deserve equal custody.
  • If a separated couple has a temporary custody order in place, fathers are wise to stick to it. If their partner tries to encroach upon their time, fathers should not so easily give it up. This shows that they do not care about their time with their kids.
  • Even if you are trying to work on your marriage during a separation, it cannot be just your spouse that you give attention to. You must still have your children as a primary concern.

Speak with an Attorney at the Putnam Law Office

Fathers love their children, and it is important that they exercise their rights to them and not allow that time to be taken away. 

Issues related to child custody can be emotional, and figuring out the best way to manage things is unclear. For assistance, please call the Putnam Law Office at (405) 849-9149 to schedule a free consultation.

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